How To Invest Money Simply Through Franc

How To Invest Money Simply Through Franc

Savings truly is a luxury of life, especially in the times we live in but it is a luxury we should be prioritizing. Nothing is going to get cheaper, the world our kids will live in one day will be significantly more expensive. By saving now, even a little bit, we give them a head start.

Something as simple as paying for their tertiary education is something that can give them a massive head start in their adult life.

Where do we start? There are many ways we could go about this. We could deposit money into a savings account or put money in an envelope under the bed. Both come with their own set of challenges. Under your bed guarantees no interest, saving in a bank account is safer but the interest rates are low and slow.

Que Franc, a way for the average person, like you and me, to invest wherever we are, whenever we have a little extra cash to spare. This innovative new app simplifies the daunting process of investing, it has no minimum requirements, no paperwork and no restrictions. Franc promises to help you reach your financial goals.

Start investing with Franc in 3 easy steps:

  1. Select your goal or what you want to invest towards.
  2. Take the simple quiz so Franc can help you make a smart investment decision.
  3. Make your first deposit.

We signed up with Franc to give it a try. You download from the App store and the set up is simple. The interface is user friendly with minimal clutter and unnecessary information. Once you have put in your personal information, set up your biometrics if you choose to, it allows you to pick a goal. We decided we want to save towards the kids’ education.

Once you have chosen your goal you can calculate the return on your investment. The screen provides space to type in how much you want to invest, over which period – either per month, per week or once-off and then what your investment could be worth in 1, 2, 3, 5 or 10 years. If we invest R500 a month the investment could potentially be worth R73 347,96 in 10 years. The next step is to decide on the type of investor profile you would like. There are options for low, balanced, high and custom risk. It all depends on what you would prefer. Each option comes with different interest rates which provide better returns than most banks.

One of the features I love is the ability to withdraw the money whenever you need to. This gives me peace of mind. Franc is preloaded as a beneficiary for Capitec, Nedbank & FNB making deposits convenient, especially if you chose to invest whenever you have money to add. 

Where does my money go?

The investment experts at Franc have identified two of the leading low cost funds to invest into. You have the option to invest in either the biggest companies in SA via Satrix Top 40 ETF or in Allan Gray’s Money Market Fund or you can split your investment between the two. Franc charges an all-in fee of just 1% of your investment per year. Meaning R1 for every R100 invested. If you would like to know more about Franc or Investing you can follow @FrancGroup on social media or visit their website at or email

Have you started investing in your kids’ futures yet? What do you have to lose?

You can download Franc for your device here:

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